- This law could begin to be written as soon as we have enough legal participants to pen such laws.
- If someone wishes to begin the process they may submit aspects of the law they have expertise in.
Common Space Law
Governance and Responsibility
(Working title)
“Space law is the body of law governing space-related activities, encompassing both international and domestic agreements, rules, and principles. Parameters of space law include space exploration, liability for damage, weapons use, rescue efforts, environmental preservation, information sharing, new technologies, and ethics. Other fields of law, such as administrative law, intellectual property law, arms control law, insurance law, environmental law, criminal law, and commercial law, are also integrated within space law.”
Because space exploration requires crossing transnational boundaries, space law has become a field independent from traditional aerospace law. Numerous national space agencies and other organizations such as the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) have debated issues of international space law and policy for many years.
One clear message is that to avoid nationalistic conflicts in space and on other celestial bodies there is a need for one single entity to have the authority to write binding laws applicable to all players operating off planet.
Scope and Objectives:
The goal is the creation of a single set of space laws written by and accepted by the global space law community and other participants. (independent of nationalistic or business influences). Such laws would circumvent certain players at the U.N. who have veto powers over resolutions and treaties.
The laws written here are those space laws that are applied to all regions of space acting as an applied "Common Space Law of Governance and Responsibility". The purpose of these laws is to provide a common base set of laws to which all space faring nations, businesses and individuals or organizations are held accountable by the space community. Acceptance of these laws will be more beneficial and practical than independent attempts to manage or govern space activities.
Regions of Space - Defined regions of space to which specific space laws are applied
Region 1 - Applicable to National Air Sovereignty Law
Region 2 - Applicable to Orbital Sovereignty Space Law
Region 3 - Applicable to Inter-Planet and IPF Space Law
Region 4 - Applicable to Galactic and Interstellar Space Law
Liabilities and Insurance:
Other: ?