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Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Regional Space

 Applying Regional Designations to Space Law


To be effective, space law needs to apply to a well defined "location" the same as aviation or marine law does. With that in mind I have defined 4 basic regions within space based on accepted scientific and legal terminology. These 4 regions and the reasons for them have been explained further HERE

Region 1 - National Air Sovereignty Law

Article 1 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, with regards to sovereignty of Airspace states that 'every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory

Region 2 - Orbital Sovereignty Space Law

I have defined this region as being that space reaching from the planets surface to 10,000,000 KM beyond the apogee of the planets furthest moon or debris ring such as Saturn has.

Region 3 - Inter-Planet and IPF Space Law

For the purposes of this site I am defining Inter-Planet space as being the space within the solar system that is between the Orbital Sovereign Boundaries of each planet. This also includes interplanetary flight law as part of this region.

Region 4 - Galactic and Interstellar Space Law

Scientists define the beginning of interstellar space as the place where the Sun’s constant flow of material and magnetic field stop affecting its surroundings. This line is called the Heliopause.

If you believe there should be additional regions defined please submit them using the "Submit Updates" panel. They will be posted to this page.

Please submit the update indicating Region # - Name of region

Listing of Current Regions

Region 1 - National Air Sovereignty Law
Region 2 - Orbital Sovereignty Space Law
Region 3 - Inter-Planet and IPF Space Law
Region 4 - Galactic and Interstellar Space Law